S.O.S. Helping Hands Project

SSBR Helping Hands 2
SSBR - Voluntarios sirviendo comidas
Food Thanks


A Transcendental Purpose To Help Low Income Elders

Our S.O.S. Helping Hands program, was designed by our Communication’s Department, to create consciousness of the important work that can be done to care for the most disadvantaged elder members of our neighbor communities: Seniors who may feel isolated and abandoned by their families and many end up on public adult care institutions; that are not always the best tender loving care ones, as well as many others.

Through this project, our Administrative Staff in coordination with the students; including the graduated ones, will help foster humanely these elders in need; through activities they feel are best suited for their immediate needs; such as serving or organizing breakfast, lunch or dinner kitchens; well-structured and organized, by our Communication’s Department with many volunteers from churches and private communities, that join our Elder’s Helping Hands Project.

We buy groceries and first hand over the counter items, for both sexes; to keep them provided with our lovable goodie bags.

The requirements for this program are very general; so that the volunteers who want to help us, refer to our social responsibility compromise as one of commitment, mercy and love. We visit and care for the elder community. This is our S.S.B.R. Institute Tampa compromise. We are thankful for all we have and need to share our blessings.


No matter what stage of life you are in, we are all on a
journey together; no matter from where we come from.
Join us as a role model in a world that needs men to lead,
serve, protect, and defend the needed.

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